
Unlike all the majority of neocities, which seems to be teens vaguing true crime after they watched AHS, I don't want this site to be edgy just for the purpose of being edgy.

I love uncanny valley images of human faces, movement, and sounds. This site will be dedicated to the content I think actually qualifies as uncanny valley in its purest sense -- the unease you feel when you see a mask that's eyes are just too close together. I'm generally not interested in stuff like fish with teeth or digital art someone made for a creepy pasta.

The way you have to view the content on this site is set up just so that you don't get innundated scrolling through photos and lose a bit of the sense of unease you feel when you see them. Almost all of them are google-able, but I just wanted to aggregate them here for my personal collection ... that sounds creepy lol

For real, enjoy!